Fire It Up! Frostproof Fires Up for Fourth Year
by James Coulter
Fire It Up! Frostproof will be firing up in Frostproof again this year for its fourth annual event. And while the barbecue pits and grills may not be firing up as usual, this year’s event is expected to bring the heat with plenty of food, fun, and music.

Hosted at Henderson Field in Frostproof, Fire It Up! Frostproof will offer a day of good food and good times. Two local bands and a DJ will be providing live musical entertainment, while the newly-expanded kid’s zone will offer plenty of carnival rides and bounce houses for the little ones.
Unfortunately, the signature KCBS-sanctioned barbecue competition will not be held due to funding. However, food trucks will be serving plenty of good eats and treats, the Central Florida Ski Team will be performing a live ski show, and even a Jeep event will be hosted showcasing several top-of-the-line vehicles.
Best of all, the event is free and open to the public. No entry fees will be charged, so everyone is free to attend the event and spend as much money as they need to have a good time.
This year’s event is being sponsored by four local businesses: Nucor Steel is sponsoring the kids’ zone, Patton Tire is sponsoring the Jeep event, and the remainder of the event will be sponsored by Bagwell Lumber and PJ Recreation.
Due to these uncertain times, special measures will be taken to ensure public health and safety. The kids’ zone will have its equipment and rides routinely disinfected, and attendees are advised to take precaution through proper social distancing and mask-wearing.
“We are hoping to still have a good turnout this year,” said Audrey Figel, Frostproof City Clerk Assistant. “This is the fourth year that we are having it. The sponsorships we are going to get, along with the interest in the community, keeps it as a big hit, and our ability to change it up every year keeps people interested.”
Though this year’s event will not be hosting its popular barbecue competition, they still expect to draw in a good turnout even despite these uncertain times. If anything, it will offer locals an opportunity to enjoy quality time outdoors after a year of indoor quarantining.
“Each year, it is shaped a little differently to better fit the people and the feedback that we have gotten from the people who have shown up to make it more geared toward them,” Audrey said. “[Our big draw is] the ability that it gives them to have something fun to do that doesn’t cost them a lot of money that is in the area without them having to drive very far.”
Fire It Up! Frostproof will be hosted on Sat., Apr. 10 from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Henderson Field, located at 71 N. Lake Reedy Blvd. Frostproof, FL 33843. For more information, visit their Facebook page at: