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Polk 15 Yr Old Teen Facing Multiple Felony Charged After HCPD Officer Struck By PCSO Pickup While Responding To Call

Haines City , Florida – A Polk County 15 Yr Old is facing multiple felony charges after an incident which left one Haines City Police Officer traumatically injured. According to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office the teen, X’zavier Jordan, is being charged with Aggravated Battery, Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting Without Violence, Resisting With Violence, Culpable Negligence (in regard to injuries to Officer Webster) and Corruption By Threat Against A Public Servant (2 Counts). 

It should be noted that this is an unedited report of facts by the PCSO. These facts are up for question and everyone is entitled to question the validity of facts by law enforcement in a court of law. The Daily Ridge does not rewrite these facts as some meanings or interpretations could be in error and change context. We hope readers appreciate being able to read the information and come to their own understanding and conclusions:

The suspect in this instance is X’zavier Dashawn Armonie Jordan (15) (DOB 10/23/2006). The victim(s) in this instance is REDACTED (18) (DOB 06/2003).

The State of Florida to include Deputies from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office as well as an Officer from the Haines City Police Department were also victims in this incident.

On 07/08/22 the suspect and victim were in an argument over a cell phone. The suspect took the phone from the victim and threw it to the ground breaking it. The suspect then pushed the victim with his hands an undetermined number of times. The suspect then pushed the victim up against the wall with this hand (unknown right or left) by the victim’s neck. The victim stated she was able to free herself and the suspects actions did not impeded her normal flow of breathing.

The suspect slapped the victim an undetermined number of times in the face and chest. The suspect bit the victim in the upper right back just below the shoulder blade leaving a bite mark. The suspect grabbed the victim by her hair and pushed her against a wall. The victim is seven(7) months pregnant. The suspect admitted to having prior knowledge of this.

PCSO Sgt. Gaylord #7195S arrived on scene first and observed the suspect holding the victim by her hair and the victim appeared to be trying to get the suspect off of her. (It should be noted Sgt. Gaylord was wearing her agency issued class B uniform along with agency issued equipment while displaying (2)two agency patches on her right and left shoulder as well as her agency issued five point star on the upper left side of her chest which reads “Sergeant Polk County Sheriff’s Office”). Sgt. Gaylord identified herself as “Sheriff’s Office” while exiting her vehicle and gave the suspect multiple commands to release the victim and to “separate”.

Due to the suspect not complying with the lawful commands given, Sgt. Gaylord then pushed the suspect on his back separating the two allowing her to get in-between both parties. The suspect continued to ignore lawful commands given by Sgt. Gaylord to which she then drew her agency Taser and armed it. At this time the suspect them began to yell “tase me, Fuckin tase me”. Sgt. Gaylord continued to give the suspect lawful commands to get on the ground. The suspect continued to defy lawful orders and turned his back away from Sgt. Gaylord, to which she then grabbed the suspects left arm with her left hand while holding her TASER in her right hand. The suspect then grabbed Sgt. Gaylord’s left hand with his right hand and attempt to remove her grip. Sgt. Gaylord then gave the suspect lawful command to “not touch her” to which the suspect replied “don’t fucking touch me then”. Sgt. Gaylord attempted to place the suspects left hand behind his back to which the suspect then tensed up his left arm. Sgt. Gaylord was able to maneuver the suspect up against the window and was able to pull his left hand behind his back. Sgt. Gaylord gave the suspect multiple commands for him to place his other hand behind his back to which he replied “I ain’t doing shit”. The suspect was able to get his body off of the window while Sgt. Gaylord had his left wrist behind his back. The suspect then stated to Sgt. Gaylord, Im going to swing on her” and then stated to her on a more aggressive voice for second time “I’m going to fucking swing on her”.

Due to the suspect being larger in size than Sgt. Gaylord, the suspects actions and attitudes, the suspect actively resisting, and the suspects threatening to do bodily harm against Sgt. Gaylord, this placed Sgt. Gaylord in fear and cause her to believe that danger was imminent. Therefore Sgt. Gaylord disengaged her grip from the suspect wrist and deployed her agency TASER which made a positive connection in the suspect’s mid to lower back effectively incapacitating him for approximately (5)five seconds, the desired effect was achieved and the suspect fell to the ground. Upon additional units arriving on scene, the suspect’s hands were placed behind his back.

Due to the severity of the situation, multiple Deputies and Officers from surrounding agencies responded. Officer Brad Webster #1184K responded to the scene and was running across the parking lot to assist with the situation. Lieutenant Michael Baldwin #3514L was also responding and was turning a corner when Ofc. Webster ran out in front of him and was struck by Lt. Baldwin on accident.

After the suspect was placed in handcuffs, the suspect stated to Sgt. Gaylord “take these cuffs off so I can beat this bitches ass”. D/S Nunez #6712 was also present in front of the suspect. The suspect then stated to Deputy Nunez “take your badge off in your belt off so we can fight”. I was also present for the statements made by the suspect.

The suspect has no prior convictions for battery or assault.

The battery committed by the suspect against REDACTED is considered dating violence, battery on a pregnant individual. 784.045(1)(B).. F2.

The reasons are as follows:
The suspect and victim have had the expectation of affection or sexual involvement between both parties.
The frequency of interaction between the persons involved have been over a period of time on a continuous basis throughout the course of the relationship.
The relationship has taken place on and off over a six month time frame.
The suspect admitted prior knowledge of the victim being pregnant.

The actions committed against Sgt. Gaylord are considered the following:

Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer. 784.07(2)(A). M1.
The suspect developed a well-founded fear in the mind of the victim that violence was about to take place against her.

Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer. 784.07(2)(B). F3.
The suspect pushed Sgt. Gaylord’s hand away in an attempt to prevent her from effecting an arrest. This action was done against the will of Sgt. Gaylord.

Resisting Without Violence. 843.02. M1.
The suspect tensed up while Sgt. Gaylord was attempting to effect an arrest. The suspect attempted to pull his hands away from her.

Resisting With Violence. 843.01. F3.
The suspect previously committed battery against Sgt. Gaylord while also sTating to her “Imma swing on you” which gave her the well-founded fear that violence was about to take place after making a verbal threat to Sgt. Gaylord.

The actions committed by the suspect which led to the injuries sustained by HCPD Officer Brad Webster is considered culpable negligence. 838.021(3)(B). F3.
The reasons are as follows:
The suspect exposed Ofc. Brad Webster to personal injury caused by Lt. Baldwin in an accident due to the actions committed by the suspect from Ofc. Webster responding to assist with the incident.

The actions committed by the suspect against Sgt. Gaylord and Deputy Nunez in reference to the verbal threats of violence is considered corruption by threat against a public servant 838.021(3)(B). F3 (Two counts).
The reasons are as follows:

The suspect induced, or attempted to induce upon to public servants any act regarding omission within the official discretion of the public servant or in the pursuit performance of their public duty by making verbal threats against both deputies.

I found probable cause to arrest the suspect with one count of all above charges, and two counts of corruption by threat against the public servant.”

The following is a statement from Interim Haines City Police Chief Loyd Stewart: “We are proud of Officer Brad Webster’s response to the domestic violence incident that resulted in his injury. When we hear a call that a fellow officer is involved in a violent situation, regardless if it is from another agency, we respond. We are also pleased that the Polk County Sheriff’s Office charged the suspect appropriately for the injury sustained by our officer. We wish Officer Webster a speedy recovery.”

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Carl Fish

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