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Lakeland Man Charged With Lewd Battery & Kidnapping Of A Child Under 13

Lakeland, Florida – A Lakeland man is facing Lewd Battery & Kidnapping of a child under 13 years old. The incident occurred on May 9, 2018. The suspect Juan Rivera Cabezudo, DOB: 07-11-1981, was arrested May 11, 2018. The suspect allegedly picked up a teenage girl under 13 years old and plied her with drugs and alcohol into have sex. Below is excerpt from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office arrest affidavit.

“On 05-09-2018 at approximately 1900-2000 hours, the suspect (Juan Rivera) observed the victim walking in the area of South Combee Road in Lakeland. Juan made contact with the victim while he was driving his girlfriend’s silver/grey in color Honda SUV. During a forensic interview with the victim, the victim stated that Juan told her to get into his vehicle, and after she got in he started driving. The victim said Juan drove to a 7-11 convenience store where he purchased beer and gas. The victim stated that Juan made her drink beer while riding in the vehicle. The victim said Juan then drove to an unknown subject’s house where he obtained illegal narcotics (Xanax pills and cocaine). Juan then drive to a Steak and Shake drive through and purchased ice-cream for the victim. According to the victim, Juan made her take a Xanax after leaving the Steak and Shake. The victim said she and Juan arrived at an unknown, abandoned residence where Juan hid her. After leaving the residence, the victim stated Juan drove to and orange grove somewhere in the Davenport area. Once at the orange grove, the victim said Juan asked her if she wanted to have sex and she told him “no”. The victim said Juan then told her to lay down on one of the middle seats inside his vehicle and her then pulled down her pants. The victim said Juan then “raped” her, which she clarified and said “rape”. The victim also stated that Juan made her perform oral sex on him. The victim said Juan told her to get out of the vehicle once they were in a neighborhood in Davenport, and the victim complied. The victim said Juan told her to wait for him, but the victim went to a residence and knocked on the door where she made contact with the resident and disclosed she had been “kidnapped” and “raped”.

During a post-Miranda interview with Juan, he stated that he did pick up the victim in the South Combee Road area on 05-09-2018. Juan said the victim told him she was eighteen years old, and that she had “weed” if he would give her a ride. Juan said he took the victim to 7-11 where he purchased her an alcoholic beverage, and he then went to a “friend’s” house where he picked up two Xanax pills. Juan said he gave the victim half of one of the Xanax pills, and he later offered the victim cocaine. Juan confirmed that he took the victim to Steak and Shake, the unknown orange grove, and the neighborhood in Davenport. Juan denied engaging in sexual intercourse with the victim, but he did admit that the victim “sucked his XXXX”. Juan said the victim did not “suck his XXXX” very long because he was using cocaine and he cannot get an erection while using cocaine.

It has been determined that Juan Rivera (H/M, 07-11-1981) violated the following Florida state statutes:

787.01(3A3), kidnapping of child under age 13, due to the fact that he secretly confined the year old victim in his vehicle without the consent of her guardian and while confining her he committed the offense of lewd battery against the child.

800.04(4A), lewd battery, due to the fact he engaged in sexual activity (he penetrated the victim’s mouth with his
penis) with the victim when the victim was under age 13, and he was thirty-six years old.

827.04(1A), contributing to the delinquency or dependency of a child, due to the fact he committed an act
(provided the year old victim with Xanax and alcoholic beverages) which causes, tends to cause, encourages, or contributes to a child becoming delinquent.”

The suspect Juan Rivera Cabezudo is no stranger to the law. He currently was serving a 24 months of probation due to Grand Theft over $300 and False Information Provided To A Pawn Broker. He violated probation and is currently incarcerated.

Editors Note: It is unknown at this time if the victim knew the suspect or exactly why she entered his vehicle.

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