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Winter Haven Nurse Arrested For Allegedly Trafficking In Oxycodone & Multiple Fraud Charges


On Friday, December 1, 2017, PCSO undercover detectives arrested Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) and former PCSO legal assistant, 52-year-old Jodi Levins of Waterbridge Drive SW in Winter Haven, and charged her with 32 counts Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud (F-3), 6 counts Criminal Use of Personal ID (F-3), and 7 counts Trafficking in Oxycodone (F-1,) after investigation revealed she has been writing fraudulent prescriptions for former patients of hers (after being fired from a doctor’s office) and then picking up the prescriptions at pharmacies “on their behalf,” and keeping the drugs for her own use.

The pharmacies she used were the Quick N Save, located at 722 East Memorial Blvd, Lakeland, and Publix, located at 2515 South Florida Avenue, Lakeland.

Levins was hired by PCSO in 1987 working in telecommunications. She transferred to crime scene in 1988, then transferred to legal affairs in 1998 where she was a legal assistant. She resigned in 2005.

She was taken into custody today at her current place of employment, Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine, 1021 Lakeland Hills Boulevard in Lakeland.

The DEA is in the process of revoking her license and DEA number. She was just taken into custody, and will be interviewed before being booked into the Polk County Jail.

Attached is an excerpt from the affidavit:

On 11/2/2017, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by a Medical Doctor identified as Gift Majuara. Mr. Majuara stated that he employed a Nurse Practitioner identified as Jodi Levins. He stated that Ms. Levins was currently using his prescription pads to prescribe medication, after she was fired from the company (identified as Massassa Medical House Calls). Mr. Majuara stated that some of these prescriptions were for oxycodone-acetaminophen 10-325. He added that Ms. Levins was also attempting to use the same prescription pad but attempted to change the information to a new employer.

Utilizing the Prescription Drug Monitoring Database, your affiant identified ten (10) patients that were being treated by Ms. Levins within Polk County. Each of these patients were prescribed oxycodone-acetaminophen 10-325 at least one time by Ms. Levins, between the months of May and October, 2017.

Your affiant made contact with the Drug Enforcement Administration Diversion Control Division in reference to the current status of Ms. Levins’ DEA number at which time it was clear and active. However it was confirmed that Ms. Levins does not have the authority to prescribe a schedule II narcotic. Per the Drug Enforcement Administration and Drugs.com, oxycodone-acetaminophen 10-325 is a schedule II narcotic. It should also be known that per the Florida Department of Health, Ms. Levins has not identified herself as a controlled substance prescriber. Ms. Levins’ ARNP Protocol was obtained which also states that Ms. Levins is not authorized to prescribe controlled substances.

After further investigation, It was determined that Ms. Levins was treating/prescribing oxycodone-acetaminophen 10-325 to 10 patients within Polk County – the majority of these patients live in assisted living facilities.

Your affiant positively identified Ms. Levins as the person obtaining the prescriptions, confirmed via video surveillance, the transaction history, and her signature.

Ms. Levins has created instruments (prescriptions) under false pretenses and she uttered them as true prescriptions (a total of 32 times). Due to her intentional actions, she was able to or endeavored to obtain something bearing the personal identification information of another without their permission.

Based on the fact that Ms. Levins engaged in this course of conduct with the intent to obtain multiple controlled substances via fraudulent means, she is being charged with obtaining a controlled substance by fraud.

It should be known that each oxycodone prescription obtained by Ms. Levins was a total of 28 pills each. Contact was made with Pharmacist Sophia Rolph at the Publix pharmacy located at 2515 South Florida Avenue, Lakeland. She provided the same oxycodone-acetaminophen 10-325 that is obtained by Ms. Levins during each incident. It was determined after weighing the pills that the total weight of each prescription is approximately 78.4 grams.

Based on the fact that Ms. Levins was positively identified as a the subject obtaining the oxycodone in seven (7) surveillance videos, and she unlawfully obtained the prescriptions, Ms. Levins is being charged with seven (7) counts of trafficking oxycodone more than 25 grams.

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