City of Winter Haven:
ATTENTION customers who use Winter Haven REUSE water for irrigation. REUSE WATER IS NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL FUTHER NOTICE. If you are unsure if you are a reuse water customer, start by checking your Winter Haven Water bill. You will see “RU” under your Service Readings section. Help conserve the reuse supply by following the Southwest Florida Water Managements Watering Restrictions:
Even Addresses may water on Thursday and Sunday
Odd Addresses may water on Wednesday and Saturday
Watering times are prior to 10:00 am and after 4:00pm. (The coolest part of the day)
Water loss due to evaporation happens when watering in the heat of the day and causes damage to lawns and landscapes, and puts strain on irrigation supply.
NOTE: Potable water is available and running with no issues at this time.
If you have any questions on water conservation and or this immediate issue please call 863-298-5495 or 863-291-5678.