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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Message from Sheriff Judd on Automatic Firearms Devices

Message from Sheriff Judd on Automatic Firearms Devices

Due to the tragedy in Las Vegas, the topic of gun-control in the United States has once again come to the forefront of debate. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd says that it is time for Congress to act, and do it responsibly.

“I am an absolute proponent of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing the fundamental individual right to keep and bear arms.  I strongly support and encourage responsible citizens owning guns to protect themselves and their families. 

This week I observed a horrific act beyond words by a deranged man who was pure evil.  Innocent Americans – some of the finest in the country, were viciously murdered.  I watched the various television accounts and am furious beyond words.

After talking with several staunch gun right advocates and licensed gun dealers in my community they all agree – now is the time and Congress is the place where a simple single-topic-only law must be immediately created.

As Sheriff of Polk County, and as a father and grandfather, I am calling on Congress to outlaw devices designed and manufactured, imported, or possessed, for making any firearm simulate or function as or in the manner of an automatic firearm. There is already a legal path provided by Federal law to own a fully automatic firearm.

But Congress must not weigh this legislation down with any other political agenda items.  Members in Congress on both sides of the aisles must demonstrate bi-partisan leadership now!”

Grady Judd, Sheriff 


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