Polk Clerk of Courts & Comptroller Provides Strategic Update to the Community
Bartow, Fla. (April 4, 2016) – Stacy Butterfield, Polk County Clerk of Courts & Comptroller, has released her 2015 Strategic Update, a report that provides residents with an update on the work and development of the Clerk’s office.
Notable accomplishments in 2015 include:
· Accreditation of the Clerk Department of Inspector General.
· Expanded services for jurors by providing the ability to confirm jury service and request excusals and postponements online. The office also formed a partnership with the Arts Ensemble Education Foundation to feature art exhibits in the Jury Assembly Room.
· Launched Property Alert Service to help customers with fraud detection by providing registered users with notification when documents are filed in the Clerk’s office using their personal information.
· Collected $170,000 in outstanding fines during the onetime Operation Green Light event.
· Clerk employees donated nearly $20,000 to community causes.
The report details the advancements of the Clerk’s 2013 – 2016 strategic plan. The plan focuses on five key strategies, which include enhanced customer access, greater transparency and accountability in county government, excellence in financial reporting, exceptional customer service, and community engagement.
“I revere the magnitude of responsibility delegated to the Clerk’s office and remain committed to providing the highest standard of service,” Butterfield said. “I believe a strategic plan is essential to the success of any organization as it provides clear direction so that all deputy clerks are empowered to help advance the office. Our plan ensures we serve our customers’ current needs while also preparing to meet future demands and challenges.”
Access the report online to discover more or request a printed copy by calling 863-534-2530. The report is available at www.polkcountyclerk.netunder the “information & other services” section.
Contact the Polk County Clerk of Courts office at 863-534-4000. Visit the Clerk’s office online at www.polkcountyclerk.net or like the Polk County Clerk Facebook page.

Photo caption: Clerk of Courts & Comptroller Stacy Butterfield and the Clerk Department of Inspector General staff are presented with the department’s first accreditation from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation on February 26, 2015. The accreditation is one of the Clerk’s notable accomplishments from 2015.