Polk County Government Florida
Water Conservation Art Contest
Get ready to raid the art supply closet – it’s time for the 20th Annual Water Conservation Art Contest! Contest winning art will be featured in the 2024 Water Conservation Calendar.
Polk County students in grades K-12 are invited to participate. Students are encouraged to create an artistic representation that expresses the “how” and/or “why” water conservation. Suggested subjects can include the water cycle, saving water, reclaimed water, storm water protection (pollution runoff) or a combination.
Art Requirements
Identification – List student’s name, grade, school and mailing address on the back side of their entry. Any entries with incomplete or missing information may be disqualified. Entries are limited to one submission per artist.
- Canvas or paper size: 8.5” x 11”
- Orientation: Landscape layout or horizontal format
Accepted artistic mediums:
Drawing materials, paints, collage materials, stencils, collagraphs, block prints, original digital illustration, photographs. Please do not use glitter.
For Younger Artists
While original artwork is preferred, younger artists may choose one of the printable drawing templates listed below.
Click this link to access template 1
Click this link to access template 2
All participants will receive a ribbon for their entry!
All submitted art becomes property of Polk County Utilities and may be displayed by Polk County or our associates to promote water conservation.
Entry grants Polk County the right to use partial name, age, grade, and/or school information in future exhibits. Polk County reserves the right to refuse to display any entry determined to be unsuitable. Any artwork that depicts copyrighted images will be disqualified. All artwork must be original ideas and created by the student.
Monday, April 24 @ 4:30 p.m.