TLC PetSnip Celebrates Ribbon Cutting of Two New Centers
by James Coulter
As the late Bob Barker always reminded his viewers: please control the pet population and have your pets spayed or neutered. If your pets need spaying, neutering, or any other surgery or medical attention, TLC PetSnip can assist you and your furry friend at their Lakeland facility, especially with the recent opening of two new centers.

On Thursday, TLC PetSnip celebrated the grand opening with The Peyton Surgical Center and The McCutcheon Medical Center. Located at their facility at 1701 E Gary Road, these two new centers more than double their capacity, allowing them to treat and house their furry patients.

Within the past year, both centers have successfully doubled their surgical capacity, as more than 600 dogs and cats have been spayed and neutered in January, and more than 1,204 animals were treated in October alone, explained Emily Lorenzano, Executive Director.
“The impact that these numbers will have on cats and dogs of Polk County is tremendous,” she said. “Our shelter is over capacity…[and] as the number one county in the southeast to euthanize animals due to overpopulation, we hope this surgical center will help curb that statistic.”
TLC PetSnip opened in 2013 as the first non-profit spay/neuter and wellness organization in Polk County. The center was the dream of Terry Sandlak and her late mother, LaVerne Peyton, to provide affordable quality pet care to the Lakeland community.

Sadly, while Sandlak created the non-profit 501(c)3 to help finance the center, she passed away shortly before it opened. In loving memory of her and her mother, the two new centers were named in their honor. Both centers are expected to help the facility further its mission of helping provide affordable care to local pets, as well as reduce the overall pet population.
“Our mission is to provide high quality, affordable, and accessible veterinary care for all pet owners in a caring and compassionate way,” their website states. “We believe in pet care education and will provide services to any pet in need, within our capacity of care. Our mission includes providing shelter and rescue animals with high-quality care at an affordable cost to the rescue. We believe that collaboration is how we will see our vision come to fruition.”
TLC PetSnip officially commemorated its grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by the Greater Lakeland Chamber of Commerce. Mary Stevenson, a chamber board member, congratulated the facility for their two new centers and welcomed them as part of the 1,200 chamber members.
Lakeland Mayor Bill Mutz likewise commended the facility for the services they provide to the local community: “From the City of Lakeland standpoint, we are thrilled to be able to have this quality care available for our pets. It is a privilege for me on behalf of the commission to see such growth.”
TLC PetSnip is located at 1701 E Gary Rd, Lakeland, FL 33801. For more information, call 863-686-7647, or visit their website at: