Nearly 100 Vehicles Drove Through Babson Park And Lake Wales At Trump Parade
by James Coulter
Election Day is fast approaching. Many Trump supporters drove fast to show their support for President Donald Trump during a car parade on Sunday.
Nearly 100 vehicles took to the road and flew their colors as they drove through Babson Park and Lake Wales.

Whether they drove by truck, car, or motorcycle, each participant proudly displayed their support with the American Flag, as well as flags for Blue Lives Matter and Trump 2020.
One convertible carried full-body cardboard cutouts of the President and the First Lady Melania Trump. Another truck displayed the hooded mannequin of an antifa protester on its hood.
The parade started from the parking lot of The Crooked Bass Grill and Tavern before proceeding along Scenic Highway through Babson Park and Highway 27 through Lake Wales.

Kat “Skipper” Gates, a national advocate for Veterans For Trump, participated in the parade. She even helped stir up patriotic fervor and spirit by chanting through a megaphone prior to the parade.
As a proud veteran, Gates appreciates the progress the President has made in supporting veterans such as herself, claiming that Trump made obtaining healthcare and other benefits easier.
She decided to participate in the parade that afternoon, as very few Trump-centric events occur in the Babson Park/Lake Wales side of the county. She previously participated in a Keep America Great rally in Lakeland two weeks prior.
“Everything looks good,” Gates said of the parade that afternoon. “We are positive, and we are going to keep making America great again.”
Tammy Bracewell and her husband Tim, owners of The Crooked Bass, organized the parade. Both of them voted for Trump in 2016, and they intend to do so again in the upcoming election.
They previously hosted a boat parade on Crooked Lake. More than 50 boats attended, with roughly 300 to 400 people. When they heard others wanted to participate, but did not have a boat, they decided to host the car parade.
After four years under his presidency, they firmly believe he deserves another four. Their main reason for supporting him is that he’s not a politician like other politicians.
“People who go into politics with a passion are good people; People who go into politics to benefit from it financially at the demise of the people that they serve are politicans,” Tammy said. “Trump had nothing to gain and everything to lose. He is a very wealthy man living a good life, and he has given that up to serve our country.”
Both of them believe that Trump has more than kept his word. While they don’t agree with everything he has said and done, what they do agree with they agree wholeheartedly. As business owners, they especially love how he’s grown the economy.
“He has done a good job the first four years, and he will do a superb job the next four years,” Tim said.