More Than 100 People Proudly Drove In Trump Car Parade
by James Coulter
Nothing can stop the Trump Train, or so Trump supporters claim. From boats on the water to trucks on the road, supporters of President Trump have been more than happy to fly their colors across the country, especially in Polk County.
More than 100 people from across the county and even the state participated in a Trump car parade on Saturday. The event started with a flag wave at the Winter Haven Republican Headquarters at Inman Park Baptist Church.

The procession of cars then drove off onto Highway 17, turned onto Highway 17/92, and continued along Highway 27 to the real estate office in Haines City, where participants enjoyed hot dogs and other refreshments.
Participating vehicles flew their colors proud with flags ranging from the traditional Red, White, and Blue to flags for Trump 2020 and Blue Lives Matter. Many attendees were from Winter Haven, while others came from as far as Kissimmee and Orlando.

“People are excited about this election,” said Steven Larsen, President of the East Polk County Republican Club. “They want to see some changes in this country.”
Like many Trump supporters, Larsen has been proud of what the President has accomplished within the past four years, and he firmly believes that he deserves to win another four years in the coming election.
“All across the country, there has been a good turnout,” he said. “We want to get the energy for this election, and the more we promote Trump, the more likely he will win the election. So it is almost like the silent majority is waking up.”
The Winter Haven Republican Headquarters has especially experienced an influx of requests for campaign promotional material. More than 8,000 yard signs and 90 4×8 signs have been distributed thus far, said Glynda White, Headquarters Manager.
Even with many signs being allegedly defaced, the number of Trump campaign paraphernalia being proudly displayed in yards and from cars across the county show that the President has good standing among his supporters.
“It is not dampening the enthusiasm,” White said. “Not one bit; in fact, it’s enhancing it.”
Both she and Larsen have attested that many former Democrats have arrived to their headquarters to change their registration so they can vote for Trump in the upcoming election.
“My hopes are that the hype for Trump grows even further,” she said. “He is a great President, these people know it, and they love him. He is not only a President: he is trying to do something for the citizens of the United States.”