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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Coping With Mental Health While Social Distancing

Everyone’s world has been turned upside down, so I put together a list of things experts are suggesting may help you cope during this time. I want to reiterate I am not a medical professional. There are some websites I found that have some helpful tips on coping with mental health and social distancing. Like the CDC, The American Psychological Association, and The Brain and Behavior Foundation. These tips are helpful to everyone not just those who have mental illness, we all could use some destressing and relaxation.

Social distancing doesn’t mean that you can’t socialize, you just need to find different ways to interact with people. In today’s world there are so many options like facetime, video calls through your phone, Instagram, Facebook, Facebook messenger, and the latest Zoom (that most of us for work or your kids school are getting a crash course in) just to name a few. The important take a way is that we need to socially interact with others.

This tip was across the board unanimous among the CDC, The American Psychological Association, and The Brain and Behavior Foundation. Limit your news intake, the more you watch the more you will worry and stress. It is important to be informed so you can take the necessary precautions, but you need to find a healthy balance of focusing on other things that are unrelated to the pandemic. Also, make sure you are getting your news from a reliable source that gets their information from the CDC and local government.

Exercise if you can, going outside can help your mood. You are still allowed to go outside for recreational purposes like walking, biking, etc. as long as you are social distancing. Gardening is a good way to relieve stress and still get exercise if you don’t have the yard space use potted plants in the house. Or any activity that gets you moving and helps you to relax, everyone has their own hobbies.

If you are having difficulty with mental health reach out to someone a neighbor, friend, family member, or coworker. You can also reach out on social media there is so much content that people are putting out about what they are going through and dealing with during this time. I bet you can find someone going through the exact same thing you are. Reaching out when you need help does not make you a burden or a bother and it doesn’t make you weak, we are all in this together.

Here are some other resources to help if you are struggling.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990

Let’s make sure we are doing are part to check up on family members or neighbors who can get out or don’t really have a handle on electronics to be able to reach out and ask for help. This is a stressful time for all young and old healthy and unhealthy. I truly believe we are all in this together and must look out for one another. Have a blessed day and stay safe.


            Amy Archibald

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