Polk High Schools Spreading Holiday Cheer Through Toys For Tots Toy Drive

Polk County high schools are getting ready for the holidays with some friendly competition for a good cause.
Local high schools were invited this year to help raise donations for the Toys for Tots of Polk County.
The schools are taking part in a good-natured challenge to see what school can raise the most toys, books, and stocking stuffers to help brighten the holidays for underprivileged children in Polk County.
The school that brings in the most donations will receive a large trophy during a celebration in January. This trophy will be maintained at the school for one calendar year before becoming a “traveling trophy” that will stay with next year’s winner.
Mulberry High has been doing a great job collecting donations. The school will be having a pep rally on Friday, Dec. 7, where students will be donating about 15 boxes of gifts. This year’s pep rally will include a special salute to Pearl Harbor and the beginning of World War II. There will be several Military Veterans, including a World War II Veteran, in attendance for the event.