LAKELAND- In partnership with Girls Inc., Polk Vision has developed an inaugural summer youth leadership program to expose middle school girls to civic engagement and leadership experiences. The six week program kicks off Tuesday with Environmental Day at the Circle B Reserve. Participants will tour the landfill, learn about public works and get a lesson in ecology while at the Circle B Reserve. The girls will also be treated to a special lunch with County Commissioner Melony Bell.
Kay Fields, Girls’ Inc. executive director, said she is excited about what awaits the girls in the leadership program.
“Most of them are not aware of what our county has to offer them by way of careers and leadership opportunities,” Fields said. “Many of these girls are still trying to choose their career path interest and this program will afford them the opportunity to see what is available in their community.
Other topics covered during the program include technology, medical, public safety, heritage and culture. As a part of the experience, the girls will have the opportunity to meet women in significant leadership positions throughout the county, said Kim Long, Polk Vision’s executive director.
For more information about Polk Vision, visit, www.polkvision.com.