Our Children’s Academy Receives Grantfrom Mountain Lake Community Service ______________________________________________________________________________
Lake Wales, Florida – On April 5, 2017 Our Children’s Academy (of Lake Wales) was awarded funding from Mountain Lake Community Service. All funding received from the Foundation will go toward providing our classrooms with state-of-the-art therapeutic equipment and specialty learning equipment. Both staff and students at Our Children’s Academy would like to thank Mountain Lake Community Service for their generous donation and continued support over the years.
Our Children’s Academy is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public charter school that exclusively serves children with special needs. Our Children’s Academy is based on the belief of the administration, staff and Board of Trustees that early intervention is crucial to helping children and young adults with special needs to cultivate healthy lifestyles and grow into well-adjusted persons. It is the school’s belief that students need a safe, positive and nurturing learning environment to develop communication skills, social skills, academic and technical skills in order to build their self-confidence and become productive members of society.
For more information about Our Children’s Academy, please visit the Academy’s website at www.ourchildrensacademy.org