picture courtesy of Lakeland PD facebook
Lakeland, Florida – The Lakeland Police Department is now accepting toy donations for their annual Annual Cops for Kids toy drive. Now in its tenth year, the toy donation program, with the help of generous community donors, allows families to provide their children with a happy holiday. Toy donations for children up to 12 years of age are accepted. The new, unwrapped toys can be dropped off at any of the following locations:
- Lakeland Police Station / 219 N. Massachusetts Ave.
- Lakeland Libraries (Main & Jackson Branch) / 100 Lake Morton Dr. and 1700 N. Florida Ave.
- City Hall / 228 S. Massachusetts Ave.
- Lakeland Electric / 501 E Lemon St.
- Kelly Recreation Complex / 404 Imperial Blvd.
Monetary donations are also accepted and can be mailed to the Lakeland Police Department at 219 N Massachusetts Avenue, Attention: Crime Prevention Unit. Please notate Cops for Kids on the memo line of your check or money order.
The toys collected will be given to parents at the annual Cops for Kids pick-up party scheduled for December 15, 2016. Kids in attendance will have their photo made with Santa and enjoy a complimentary dinner.
“Over the past ten years, our Cops for Kids program has helped ease the burden for hundreds of families and allowed thousands of children to have a happy holiday,” said Chief Larry Giddens. “One of the greatest things we can do as a police department is give back to our citizens in need, for whom we take great pride in serving every day.”
If you need assistance through the program, you must register at the police station on Monday, November 28, 2016 and bring the following items:
• Current Lakeland Electric Bill
• Photo ID
• Original Birth Certificate for Each Child
Please Note: Your registration does not guarantee acceptance