Lakeland, Florida – The Florida Highway Patrol has arrested a Polk City woman and charged her with refusing to submit to DUI Test.
According to the arrest affidavit Florida Highway Patrol officers arrested Sheila Graham, DOB 08/18/62 of Polk City, on December 4, 2021. Graham is listed as a mathematics teacher at Lake Alfred Polytech Academy.
The following is a long exerpt from the Florida Highway Patrol (It should be noted that this is an unedited report of facts by the FHP. These facts are up for question and everyone is entitled to question the validity of facts by law enforcement in a court of law. The Daily Ridge does not rewrite these facts as some meanings or interpretations could be in error and change context. We hope readers appreciate being able to read the information and come to their own understanding and conclusions) :
“On December 4th, 2021 at approximately 7:12 pm I responded to a single vehicle vs a concrete barrier wall on Interstate 4(SR400) WB entrance ramp, west of CR582. I observed a VW 2 door sitting on the center median with the subject(later identified as Mrs. Sheila Gilder Graham FL DL REDACTED) sitting on the median behind the vehicle. The vehicle was bearing Florida tag of REDACTED. Per two(2) witnesses arriving on scene at the time of the collision Mrs. Graham was still sitting inside the vehicle revving the engine while the vehicle was still stationary on the center median and they removed her safety from the vehicle and remained on scene upon my arrival.
Upon approaching Mrs. Graham and conducting the crash investigation, I could smell a strong odor of alcoholic beverages emitting from her facial region. While conducting the crash investigation I asked Mrs. Graham if she could walk to the front of my marked patrol car FHP0293 and white walking Mrs. Graham was unable to maintain balance. While speaking with Mrs. Graham about how the collision occurred she stated she was heading home from downtown Lakeland and then stated she was heading home from a place called Winter Haven Social.
I asked Mrs. Graham if she would be willing to perform field sobriety exercises to demonstrate her ability to operate a motor vehicle and Mrs. Graham stated she will not participate. Mrs. Graham was read his Miranda Rights and declined to speak with me at 8:02 pm.
Mrs. Graham agreed to submit to a lawful test of her breath at 9:15 pm and was observed for 20 minutes prior to providing breath samples.
Mrs. Graham failed to provide two breath samples and declined to provide a breath sample at 9:17 pm.
Crash Time: 7:03pm
Arrest Time: 8:02pm
Miranda Time: 8:02pm