Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center –Citrus Label Tour Dedication
When: Tuesday, February 28th
Address: 325 S. Scenic Highway, Lake Wales Florida 33853
Time: 3pm
Admission: Free
The Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center is excited to announce the dedication of our crate label banners on Tuesday, February 28th at 3pm at the Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center. A partnership between the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame, Visit Central Florida and the Polk County History Center’s History and Heritage Trail inspired the creation of the Citrus Label Tour of Polk County. We are happy to become another spot on this historic tour. Join us as we dedicate our labels which highlight the crate label designs of the Lake Wales Citrus Growers Association.
For more information, contact the Museum at: 863.676.1759 or follow us on
Twitter: @LWDepot_Museum
Facebook: Lake Wales Depot Museum and Cultural Center
Instagram: LWDepot_Museum