Lake Wales Public Library Dedicates Citrus Label Tour Sign and Banners
The Lake Wales Library Association – Friends of the Library will dedicate the first Citrus Label Tour sign in Lake Wales, 2:30 p.m., November 17.
The Citrus Label Tour of Polk County is a new initiative to honor the families and businesses who built the citrus industry in Polk County. Each site on the Polk County tour will feature a citrus label that once adorned the old wooden crates used to ship fresh citrus in the early 1900s. The Citrus Label Tour signs are currently in Polk County communities including, Bartow, Lake Alfred, Haines City and Davenport.
The citrus label sign on the Lake Wales Public Library’s northwest corner will be a two-sided sign featuring labels from Waverly Growers. Funding for this sign was donated by Waverly Growers’ president, David Crews and his wife, Carol.
In addition to the Waverly Growers sign the Lake Wales Library Association – Friends of the Library donated funding for three historic citrus crate label banners that will hang from the Library’s decorative light posts.
These three banners will feature labels from local growers including Mountain Lake Corporation’s “Lucky Day” brand and a beautiful label from Alcoma Corporation’s archives. The final banner features Capri, a citrus brand from Seven Oaks Fruit Company, of Lake Wales. Seven Oaks Fruit Company is no longer in business; however, this banner celebrates Lake Wales’ long history as a citrus industry leader.
The dedication of the sign and banners will honor David and Carol Crews and the Lake Wales Library Association’s contribution. The ceremony will be followed by light refreshments in the Library’s main lobby.
For details contact the Lake Wales Public Library, 678-4004.