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An Argument Leads To Suspect Being Arrested And Charged With 7 Counts Of Attempted Murder In North East Polk

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office has arrested Eugene Beltran Miranda, DOB: 3/25/49, of Kissimmee after an argument, over grass clippings, lead to one victim being run over by a truck and 6 more counts of attempted murder by gunfire.

Here is a unedited, but redacted excerpt of the arrest affidavit.

It should be noted that this is an unedited report of facts by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. These facts are up for question and everyone is entitled to question the validity of facts by law enforcement in a court of law. The Daily Ridge does not rewrite these facts as some meanings or interpretations could be in error and change context. We hope readers appreciate being able to read the information and come to their own conclusions.:

“On 09/03/23, at approximately 1330 hours, Eugene Beltran Miranda approached REDACTED who cutting the lawn at the residence of REDACTED Cimarron Drive, Kissimmee, which is adjacent to his back yard.

Miranda did not like the grass cuttings were being blown on his property. A verbal argument between the two men occurred. Miranda returned to his residence and REDACTED finishing cutting the grass to the residence.

Miranda entered his 2006 Ford pickup truck with Florida license plate# LQHS18 parked in his driveway at his residence located at REDACTED Columbia Drive, Kissimmee and drove his vehicle to the next adjacent street where REDACTED pickup truck and utility trailer were parked in front of his residence located at REDACTED Cimarron Drive, Kissimmee.

Miranda intentionally and unlawfully drove his vehicle at REDACTED, striking REDACTED and driving over his leg as he was standing in the front yard of residence REDACTED Cimarron Drive. Miranda stopped his vehicle from hitting a mailbox and backed up his pickup truck. As this was happening, REDACTED stood up, ran to where his pickup truck and utility traller were parked in front of his residence. As REDACTED Jumped over the tongue section of the trailer, Miranda was accelerating his pickup truck attempting to hit REDACTED again with his pickup truck.

Miranda crashed his pickup truck into the victim’s white pickup truck and utility trailer. The crash disabled Miranda’s pickup truck and he was not able to move forward or back.

REDACTED retrieve a baseball bat from the bed of bis pickup truck and struck the windshield of Miranda’s pickup truck causing a section shatter. Miranda exited his pickup truck and fled to his residence retrieving his Ruger 9MM handgun. REDACTED struck the driver’s side window shattering it with his baseball bat. REDACTED retrieved his weed trimmer to continue finishing his job for his neighbor.

REDACTED had exited her residence observing her husband being ran over by Miranda’s pickup truck. Her three children REDACTED, REDACTED, & REDACTED were standing by the front entrance of the door. An unknown subject bicycling by the residence yelled to REDACTED a man was coming with a gun. REDACTED yelled for her husband REDACTED to return to the residence. At the same time, REDACTED (another victim) arrived at the residence and stood at the entrance way.

All three subjects, REDACTED, REDACTED and REDACTED provided sworn recorded statement stating they observed Miranda raise a handgun at them and began firing the handgun. REDACTED and REDACTED stated when they observed the gun raised they fled into their house grabbing their children as they entered and as they closed the door they heard gun fire. REDACTED and REDACTED stated once inside the residence they laid on the ground with their children and crawled to the back area of the residence. REDACTED stated he hide behind the front porch column and could hear the bullets passing him. REDACTED stated at one point he thought he was struck by the bullet but realized it was the debris from the house which had landed on his head and shoulder area.

Miranda discharged his firearm numerous times at the front entrance to the residence of REDACTED Cimarron drive.

PCSO Crime scene located 8 strikes to the front entrance area. Three bullet projectiles struck the front door entering the residence. Two bullet projectiles struck the column which REDACTED was hiding behind and three bulletin projectiles struck around the front door.

According to REDACTED, REDACTED and REDACTED stated they have had no prior issues or contact with Mirands prior to this incident.

Post Miranda, Eugene Miranda stated he only speaks Spanish and with the assistance of Deputy Hernandez. #9720 I conducted an interview. Miranda admitted to confronting REDACTED about grass cuttings being blown onte his property. Miranda stated during this confrontation with REDACTED, REDACTED struck him with weed trimmer. Miranda stated he then returmed to his house, entered his pickup truck and drove his pickup track to where REDACTED’s pickup truck and trailer were parked. Miranda stated he wanted to photograph the pickup truck and as he did this, REDACTED struck his truck with a baseball bat. Miranda stated this put him in fear so he struck REDACTED with his truck. Miranda stated he didn’t ram his pickup truck into the trailer or pickup.

Miranda stated he jumped out of his truck as it was driving towards them. Miranda stated as he was returning to his house he overheard someone say burn his truck. Miranda stated this caused him to decide to retrieve his handgun and return to the pickup truck. Miranda stated when he returned he pointed his handgun in the air and fired his handgun In order to scare the people at the house. Miranda admitted prior to this day he has had no dealings or interation with the victims.

Eugenes Beltran Miranda unlawfully and intentionally attempted to commit homicide (no weapon) by driving his vehicle at REDACTED, striking REDACTED and driving over him. This act was done against the victim’s will and placed the victim in fear of death. Miranda furthermore accelerated his vehicle at REDACTED and crashed into REDACTED pickup truck and utility trailer which he used as a barrier to protect himself from being struck.

Eugene Beltran Miranda unlawfully and intentionally discharged his Ruger 9mm handgun eight (8) times at six Individuals: REDACTED who all were standing in the residence entrance way and porch. This act was done against the victim’s will and placed all the adult victims in fear of death for themselves and their children.

The physical evidence shows the bullets were not discharged in the sky as described by Miranda but two struck the column where REDACTED was standing behind, three struck the front door entering the residence where REDACTED, REDACTED and their three children had retreated into the residence. Three bullets struck in the area of the front door. This act was attempted to commit homicide with a firearm.

Based on my investigation, violated Florida State Statue 782.04 Attempt to commit Homicide (no weapon)(1 count), 782.04 Attempt to commit Homicide (firearm)(6 counts) and 790.19 Shooting Deadly missile into occupied residence (8 counts),

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Carl Fish

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