BoCC seeking residents to serve on
Northeast Polk County Roadway Advisory Committee
Bartow, Fla. (May 2, 2017) — Polk County is seeking an interested resident to fill a single vacancy serving in an advisory capacity as part of the Northeast Polk County Roadway Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the citizen/staff committee is to review transportation and/or roadway issues within the general northeast section of Polk County then provide project advisory recommendations to the BoCC. The Committee consists of nine members, six of which are appointed by the Board. Committee members serve three year terms, and may be re-appointed for an additional term.
The Board will select an individual who has regular civic or business involvement in the northeast section of Polk County.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Northeast Polk County Roadway Advisory Committee, please email a letter of interest and a resume of qualifications to [email protected] by close of business on Wednesday, May 31, 2017.