BOLO For Bear In Babson Park – We have reader reports of a bear being spotted very close to a home on Cody Villa Rd. area this morning.
** Don’t Feed The Bears **
Bears are opportunistic feeders and will remember where to find easy food and return to the location. If they continue to gain access to human provided foods (e.g., garbage, pet food, bird seed) they can be become food conditioned and habituated. Bears that begin to exhibit those behaviors can become a public safety risk and potentially killed by wildlife officials. Remember “A FED BEAR IS A Dead Bear.” If a bear is seen in your yard, reinforce their natural fear of humans by making loud noises from a secure location (e.g., yelling, using car or air horns, or banging pots and pans together).



Winter Haven Man Facing Serious Charges After Attempting to Take Officers Car and Grabbed for Officers Gun

A Winter Haven man is facing serious charges after he attempted to take an officers car and grabbed for the officers gun over the weekend.

Thirty-one year-old Andrew Allen Bailley (DOB 10-4-84, 1538 Foxridge Rd. SW, Winter Haven) is charged with Carjacking w/o firearm (F1), Aggravated Assault on Law Enforcement Officers (F2), two counts of Battery on Law Enforcement (F3), Burglary of Conveyance (F3), Resisting Officer with Violence (F3) and Battery (M1) after a fight with his brother turned violent towards police.
On 6-5-16 at approximately 3:15 a.m., Lt. Kari Gaskin responded to a disturbance call at 1538 Foxridge Rn SW in Winter Haven. Lt. Gaskin approached the home and knocked on the door. When nobody answered, she walked back to her marked patrol vehicle in an attempt to get further information regarding the call. As she approached her vehicle, two people were walking in the roadway towards her from several houses down. The female, 18 year-old Julie Davis was walking in the roadway with 31 year-old Andrew Bailley. Davis identified herself to Lt. Gaskin as the person who called in the disturbance. According to Davis, she stated that Bailley and his brother were “tripping” on acid and they got into a fight.
Lt. Gaskin was standing at the open door to her patrol vehicle, which was running, while speaking with Ms. Davis. Lt. Gaskin asked Bailley to step back and he complied. During the conversation with Davis, Bailley once again stepped towards LT. Gaskin. Lt. Gaskin once again told Bailley to step back and he immediately went behind Lt. Gaskin and shoved her away from the vehicle jumping into the driver’s seat.
Lt. Gaskin reached into the vehicle and turned the vehicle off just as Bailley reached for the gearshift. Bailley grabbed Lt. Gaskin’s right arm in an attempt to pull her towards him. Gaskin pinned Bailley’s shoulder to the seat and Bailley stated he was going to take her gun and reached for Gaskin’s gun, which was in the holster on her duty belt. She grabbed his left arm and leg and pulled him out of the vehicle, falling to the ground. Bailley immediately jumped back up and charged at Lt. Gaskin with clinched fists and yelling.
At this time, Bailley’s brother, 21 year-old Jedaiah Bailley (same address) came out of the home and Andrew immediately lunged at his brother. Lt. Gaskin deployed her department-issued Taser, but Bailley pulled the prongs out. Once again, Andrew Bailley defied commands to get on the ground and he charged at Lt. Gaskin, yelling that he was going to get her gun. Lt. Gaskin maneuvered her way behind Bailley and deployed the Taser once again gaining compliance over Bailley. By this time, backup officers were on scene.
While attempting to handcuff Bailley, he continued to resist officers. Emergency Medical Services was called to transport Bailley to the hospital and while at the hospital, Bailley grabbed another officer’s tactical vest several time trying to pull items from the vest.
Bailley was treated at Winter Haven Hospital and transported to the Polk County Jail.
Lt. Kari Gaskin is 35 years-old and started with the Winter Haven Police Department in August 2005.

128 Suspects Arrested On Human Trafficking & Child Predator Charges.


Winter Haven, Florida – Beginning on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, through Sunday, June 5, 2016, Polk County Sheriff’s Office detectives conducted a six-day undercover investigation targeting human trafficking.  PCSO detectives focused on prostitutes posting online advertisements, “johns” seeking prostitutes in an online environment, “pimps” and other seeking to profit from prostitution, and online predators seeking contact with children. Detectives posted fictitious ads and responded to ads posted on the website The Lakeland Police Department assisted with the investigation


A total of 128 suspects were arrested.  Of those 19 told detectives they were married, 21 told detectives they received monthly public assistance, and 2 had been arrested in previous PCSO undercover operations for the same crime. 


69 of the suspects had previous criminal arrest histories which included a total of 215 prior felony charges and 384 prior misdemeanor charges; 3 of the suspects have been to state prison for their crimes. 


Of the 128 suspects arrested, 4 adult male suspects contacted undercover detectives, whom they believed to be children 14-years-of age.  One suspect (24-year-old Jae-il Byun of Havertown, PA) traveled to the undercover location planning to pay $60 to have sex with whom he believed to be a 14-year-old girl. 


A second suspect (25-year-old Micah Casper of Davenport) solicited an undercover detective whom he believed to be a 14-year-old boy sending the undercover detectives nude images of himself and asking for nude images in return. 


The third suspect, a 31-year-old married man (Jordan Allen Raskin of Longwood) who receives monthly assistance, contacted the undercover detective using a mobile app.  During the conversation, the suspect acknowledged the child’s age wasn’t an issue stating, “I am kinda into younger girls,” then asking what grade the child was in being advised 9th grade.  After his arrest, the suspect told detectives he fantasized about younger girls. 


The fourth suspect a 53-year-old Kissimmee man (Michael Davis), who told detectives he works at Universal Studios as a ride mechanic, contacted the undercover detective, whom he believed to be a 14-year-old boy.  During the conversation, the suspect asked the “boy” for nude photos and described the sexual activity he was going to engage in with the “boy.”  The suspect traveled to the undercover location where he was taken into custody.


One female victim arrived at the undercover location with two male suspects.  Undercover detectives responded to an ad posted online regarding her prostitution services.  She told the detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $400. After her arrest, she told detectives that the two men who dropped her off and picked her up required her to provide them any money she made through prostitution in exchange for taking care of her and providing her with food.  Those two male suspects are: 29-year-old Jason Agniel Fraser of Casselberry, and 21-year-old Joel Dipre no known address – details and their charges appear below.


“We conduct investigations such as this one to expose the criminal misconduct and behavior people engage in online and through mobile aps. We continue to find predators online attempting to lure children into sexual activity. Their behavior is always the same-they seek out vulnerable victims, engage them in conversation and quickly attempt to lure children into explicit sexual conversations, urging them to send sexually explicit images and meet for sex.  Our detectives will continue to arrest those who prey on Polk County’s children. 


Once again, we have seen the link between prostitution, drug crimes, economic crimes such as burglary and fraud, violent crime, and human trafficking – these crimes destroy families, individuals, and negatively affect our communities. We have learned over many years that when we pay attention to public order and quality of life crimes such as prostitution, we can reduce and prevent other crimes while strengthening the community. 


Prostitution is not a victimless crime. From the spread of disease and destruction of families to human trafficking, prostitution is bad for our community. In areas where prostitution is allowed to flourish, property values decline and drug and property crimes increase. In some cases, children and adults are forced to prostitute while under the control of pimps.  Most of those arrested have previous criminal histories including very serious felonies, property crimes, and drug crimes. In other words, those who prostitute, pimp for prostitutes, and seek out prostitutes are more likely than not to have committed other crimes.  Non-criminals who seek to engage a prostitute are endangering their safety and the safety of their families-it is a dangerous cycle.  – Sheriff Grady Judd


In total, there were 78 suspects charged who were offering sex in exchange for money; 32 suspects who offered money in exchange for sex, 11 suspects who drove prostitutes to the location deriving proceeds from the activity, 2 suspects who accompanied other suspects, 4 suspects who solicited undercover detectives whom they believed to be 14-year-old children in sexual activity, and 1 suspect arrested for no valid driver’s license.

Day 1
28-year-old Dani Jackson of Highlands California – Charged with Engage/Commit/Offer to
Commit Lewd Act, 3rd Subsequent Offense. Jackson has been previously arrested on 14
misdemeanor charges. Jackson posted an ad on offering her services. She told
the undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $260.
24-year-old Maria Mendoza of Altamonte Springs – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to
Commit Lewd Act. Mendoza has been previously arrested on 4 felony and 3 prior misdemeanor
charges. Mendoza posted an ad on offering her services in exchange for
money. She told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $150.
24-year-old Jodian St Teresa Smalling of Delray Beach – Charged with Engage/Commit/
Offer to Commit Lewd Act. Smalling has had has been previously arrested on 2 felony and 1
misdemeanor. Smalling posted an ad on offering her services in exchange for
money. She told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for
$200. Smalling listed her employer as CALL 4 HEALTH and told detectives she was a
Customer Service Call Taker.
19-year-old Decener Mitchell of St. Petersburg – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to
Commit Lewd Act. Mitchell posted an ad on offering her services in exchange
for money. She told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $300.
Mitchell told detectives she receives monthly public assistance.
19-year-old Destiny Lefke of Orlando – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to Commit Lewd
Act. Lefke has 4 prior attests which included 4 felony and 7 misdemeanor charges. Lefke
posted an ad on offering her services in exchange for money. She told the
undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $200. Lefke told detectives she
receives monthly public assistance.
34-year-old Amanda Brown of Orlando – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to Commit
Lewd Act. Brown has been previously arrested on 2 felony and 1 misdemeanor
charges. Brown posted an ad on offering her services in exchange formoney. She told the undercover detective she would engage in sex for $500 for her, and $500
for Molina Acosta. Brown told detectives she is a nurse with Orlando Lutheran Towers.
30-year-old Jakeline Molina-Acosta of Kissimmee – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to
Commit Lewd Act. Molina-Acosta has been previously arrested on 2 misdemeanor
charges. Molina-Acosta arrived at the undercover location with Amanda Brown where both
agreed to engage in sex for $500 each. Molina-Acosta told detectives she is married and is a
self-employed cleaner.
36-year-old Melissa Caputo of Orange County – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to
Commit Lewd Act. Caputo has been previously arrested on 2 felony and 2 misdemeanor
charges. Caputo posted an ad on her services in exchange for money. Caputo
arrive at the undercover location with Breonna Mosqueda and told the undercover detective she
would engage in sex in exchange for $350. Caputo told detectives she is an Insurance Broker
with Florida National Agents Alliance. Caputo told detectives she receives monthly public
18-year-old Breonna Mosqueda of Davenport – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to
Commit Lewd Act. Mosqueda arrived at the undercover location with Caputo. Mosqueda
agreed to engage in sex with the undercover detective in exchange for $350
19-year-old Nikole Hicks of Ocala –Charged with Offering to Commit Prostitution. Hicks was
contacted by the undercover detective as a result of an ad posted online. Hicks traveled to the
undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage in sex for $450,
this included her drive time from Ocala.
40-year-old Wendy Mayela Cuemo-Gomez, no address provided – Charged with Offering to
Commit Prostitution. Cuemo-Gomez traveled to the undercover location where she told the
undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $250.
28-year-old Ashley Mir of Orlando – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to Commit Lewd
Act. Mir has one has been previously arrested on 1 misdemeanor charge. Mir posted an ad on offering services. She traveled to the undercover location where she told the
undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $260.
24-year-old Jivette LaPointe of Orlando – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to Commit
Lewd Act, and Battery. LaPointe has been previously arrested on 4 felony and 10 misdemeanor
charges. LaPointe posted an ad on offering services. She traveled to the
undercover location and told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for
31-year-old Shalonda Timmons of Mulberry – Charged with Solicit Another for Lewdness 3rd
Offense, which is a 3rd degree felony. Timmons has been previously arrested on 10 felony and
8 misdemeanor charges. Timmons posted an ad on offering services. Timmons
traveled to the undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage
in sex in exchange for $500.
23-year-old Brandon Burkhead of Lakeland – Charged with Possession of Cannabis less
than 20 grams, Deriving Support/Proceed of Prostitution, Possession/Use Narcotic
Paraphernalia, and Possession of Methamphetamine. Burkhead drove Timmons to the
undercover location and told detectives he was to receive $40 for driving. Burkhead and Michael Baubien, a passenger in the car, were found to be in possession of Methamphetamine,
Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia. Burkhead has been previously arrested on 1 felony and 1
misdemeanor charge.
53-year-old Michael Baubien of Lakeland – Charged with Possession of Cannabis less than
20 grams, Possession/Use of Narcotic Paraphernalia, Possession of Methamphetamine, and
Possession of Oxycodone. Baubien was a passenger in the car Burkhead drove Timmons to
the undercover location. Baubien told detectives he is married and is in “sales on the Internet.”
45-year-old Marcjhal Brooks-Townley of Kissimmee – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer
to Commit Lewd Act. Brooks-Townley has been previously arrested on 4 felony and 6
misdemeanor charges. Brooks-Townley was arrested in a similar investigation in December
2014 ( Brooks-Townley posted an ad on offering
services. She traveled to the undercover location where she told the undercover detective she
would engage in sex in exchange for $200. Brooks-Townley is married.
25-year-old Angela Perryman of Sanford – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to Commit
Lewd Act. Perryman posted an ad on offering services. Perryman traveled to
the undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in
exchange for $300. Perryman told detectives she is an assistant manager with
Amscot. Perryman told detectives she receives monthly public assistance.
23-year-old Chioma Akanu of Orlando – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to Commit
Lewd Act. Akanu posted an ad on offering services. Akanu traveled to the
undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in
exchange for $200. Akanu told detectives she is a Home Healthcare Assistant for Home
Day 2
54-year-old Daniel Knowles of Polk City – Charged with Engage/Commit/ Offer to Commit
Lewdness. Knowles responded to a fictitious ad. Knowles traveled to the undercover location
where he offered to pay $100 in exchange for sex. Knowles is married and told detectives he is
a self-employed handyman with Jada Property Improvements, Inc.
25-year-old Wejdan Alomari of Miami – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in Lewdness,
Cause Child to be Delinquent/Dependent/Needy, and Unlawful use of Drivers’ License. Alomari
has been previously arrested on 1 misdemeanor charge. Alomari posted an ad on offering services. She traveled to the undercover location where she told the
undercover detective she would engage in sex in exchange for $240. Alomari was driven to the
location by Jorge Garcia; three young children were with Alomari and Garcia.
28-year-old Jorge Garcia of Hallandale – Charged with Possession of Cannabis less than 20
grams, Cause Child to be Delinquent/Dependent/Needy, and Possession of Narcotic
Paraphernalia. Garcia has been previously arrested on 5 felony charges to include Selling
Cannabis within 1000 Feet of a school. There were three children in the car with Garcia when
he drove Alomari to the undercover location and who waited in the car with him when Alomari
went inside. The children were age 5, 3 and 2; two boys and one girl. The Department of
Children and Families responded to assist. Garcia is married.

25-year-old Jordan Kruger of Orlando – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in Lewdness.
Kruger posted an ad on offering his services. Kruger traveled to the undercover
location where he met with two undercover detectives and agreed to engage in sex with them
for $400. Kruger told detectives he is employed by Bahama Breeze – Alafia Trail.
41-year-old Kevin Dean of Fort Lauderdale – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Dean responded to a fictitious ad then traveled to the undercover location where he
agreed to pay an undercover detective $160 in exchange for sex. Dean told detectives he was
an engineer with DPR Construction.
26-year-old Kimberly Hughes of Orlando – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in Lewdness,
and Battery. Hughes has been previously arrested on 2 felony and 7 misdemeanor
charges. Hughes told detectives she was a student at Everest University. Hughes told
detectives she receives monthly public assistance.
45-year-old Richard Partlow of Aurora, Illinois – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness, and Battery. Partlow responded to a fictitious ad and travel to the undercover
location where he agreed to pay an undercover detective $150 in exchange for sex. Partlow is
married and he told detectives he is a salesman at Dordan. Partlow told detectives his family
were waiting on him at the Dolphin Resort at Disney. Partlow is married.
27-year-old Taniesha Barkely of Oviedo – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in Lewdness.
Barkly posted an ad on offering services. Barkley traveled to the undercover
location where she agreed to engage in sex in exchange for $140 Barkley has been previously
arrested on 1 felony and 5 misdemeanor charges.
25-year-old Caelle Morisset of Tampa – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Morisset posted an ad on offering services. Morisset traveled to the
undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in
exchange for $100. Morisset told detectives she is a Customer Service person for a Cale Call
Center in Oldsmar.
24-year-old Ventesia Holland of Orlando – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Holland posted an ad on offering services. Holland traveled to the
undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in
exchange for $140. Holland told detectives she receives monthly public assistance.
28-year-old Emma Casanova of Orlando – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Casanova posted an ad on offering services. She traveled to the
undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in
exchange for $300. Casanova told detectives she is a student at the University of Phoenix and
that she receives monthly public assistance.
26-year-old Ricardo Villiers of Haines City – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Villiers responded to a fictitious ad then traveled to the undercover location where
he told the undercover detective he would pay $60 in exchange for sex. Villiers has been
previously arrested on 3 felony and 1 misdemeanor charges. Villiers told detectives he is a
server at Smokey Bones restaurant located in Celebration.
35-year-old Jason Henry Thomas of Orlando – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Thomas responded to a fictitious ad and traveled to the undercover location. He toldthe detective he would pay $175 in exchange for sex. Thomas told detectives he works as
server at Bahama Breeze.
40-year-old Helen Ditto of Lakeland – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in Lewdness,
Possession of Cannabis, Possession of Narcotic Paraphernalia, and Possession of
Methamphetamine. Ditto posted an ad on offering services. She traveled to the
undercover location with Annie Junior Bell. Ditto told the undercover detective she would
engage in sex in exchange for $700 for her and Bell. Ditto has 1 prior misdemeanor arrest
charge for Prostitution in Manatee County on May 28, 2016.
43-year-old Annie Bell of Tarpon Springs – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Bell has an outstanding VOP warrant from out of state. Bell arrived with Ditto; both
were driven by Joseph Minori. Bell and Ditto told agreed to engage in sex with the undercover
detective in exchange for $700. Bell told the detectives she has been prostituting for the past
10 months and has made over $100,000. Bell has previously been arrested on 1 misdemeanor
41-year-old Joseph Minori of Lakeland – Charged with Deriving Support/Proceeds from
Prostitution. Minori drove Ditto and Bell to the undercover location. Minori has one prior
misdemeanor battery charge from 2014. Bell told detectives that “Joe” was a customer and he
knew they were prostitutes. Minori told detectives he was to be paid $20 for driving the two
women to the undercover location. Minori said he had driven one or more of the two women to
hotels and bars three to four times a week in exchange for gas. Minori had a 17-year-old
female in the car with him at the time of his arrest. The juvenile was a passenger in the car with
the three adults and was not charged with a crime. The Department of Children and Families
was contacted and responded to assist.
30-year-old Baketa Williams of Tampa – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Williams posted an ad on offering services. Williams, along with
Brionna Boatman, and Cynthia Baker, all traveled to the undercover location where the three
women told undercover detectives they would engage in four hours of sex in exchange for
21-year-old Brionna Boatman of Tampa – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in Lewdness.
Boatman arrived at the undercover location with Baketa Williams. Boatman told detectives she
receives monthly public assistance.
54-year-old Cynthia Baker-Mendez of Tampa – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Baker-Mendez posted an ad offering services and arranged to meet
undercover detectives at the undercover location where she Williams, and Boatman would
engage in four hours of sex in exchange for $1200.
20-year-old Emma Leifer of Seminole – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Leifer posted an ad on offering services. She traveled to the
undercover location where she told the undercover detective she would engage in sex in
exchange for $300. Leifer has been previously arrested on 2 misdemeanor charges.
26-year-old Joseph Wareham of St. Petersburg – Charged with Aid/Abet/Commit
Prostitution. Wareham has been previously arrested on 19 felony and 11 misdemeanor
charges. Wareham told detectives he works at ADS Electronics. Wareham drove Leifer to the
undercover location – the customary arrangement between Wareham and Leifer was that Leiferwould call him when she was finished with the customer. When Wareham didn’t receive the
call, he knocked on the door of the location armed with a knife.
36-year-old Jabari Brown of Bartow – Charged with Offering to Commit Prostitution. Brown
arrived at the undercover location and agreed to pay the undercover detective $100 in
exchange for sex. Brown has been previously arrested on 4 felony and 6 misdemeanor charges
which include Accessory to Homicide, Battery and Domestic Battery. Brown told detectives he
works for Adecco.
21-year-old Tevarius Mincey of Orlando – Charged with Offering to Commit
Prostitution. Mincey has been previously arrested on a Trespassing misdemeanor
charge. Mincey had posted an ad on offering services under the “transsexual”
section. Mincey told the undercover detective he would engage in sex in exchange for
$300. Mincey told detectives he receives monthly public assistance.
Day 3
34-year-old Christopher Spangler of Davenport – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Spangler responded to a fictitious ad and traveled to the undercover location where
he told the undercover detective he would pay $60 in exchange for sex. Spangler has been
previously arrested on 10 felony and 10 misdemeanor charges. Spangler was sentenced to
Florida State Prison in 2014 for Leaving the Scene of a Crash with Injuries. Spangler told
detectives he works for Complete Mobile.
23-year-old Lindsay Lovell of Fort Smith Arkansas – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
rd Subsequent Offense. Lovell posted an ad on offering services. She traveled
to the undercover location where she agreed to engage in sex in exchange for $250. Lovell has
been previously arrested on 2 felony and 5 misdemeanor charges. Lovell told the undercover
detective she is married.
52-year-old Charles Bozue of Fairborn Ohio – Charged with Offer/commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Bozue told detectives he is married and that he is employed as a Financial Manager
for the US Air Force in Ohio. Bozue told the detective he found the fictitious ad online and
traveled to the undercover location where he offered to pay the undercover detective $100 for
sex. Bozue was visiting Florida at the time he was arrested. Bozue is married.
33-year-old Corey Pritchard of Ocala – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in Lewdness, and
Carrying a Concealed Weapon. Pritchard had no permit. Pritchard has been previously
arrested on 6 felony and 3 misdemeanor charges. Pritchard posted an ad on
offering services. Pritchard offered the undercover detective sex in exchange for $500. Upon
her arrest, detectives located a loaded and chambered Smith and Wesson MMP .40 caliber.
32-year-old Derek Quesenberry of Ocala – Charged with Aid/Abet/Commit Prostitution.
Quesenberry drove Pritchard to the undercover location. Quesenberry was to receive $20 for
22-year-old Shokhrukh Oripov of Orlando – Charged with Offer/Commit/Engage in
Lewdness. Oripov responded to a fictitious ad and offered the undercover detective $70 in

Pedestrian Struck & Killed On Hwy 27 In Frostproof


Frostproof, Florida – At approximately 5:25 a.m. on Monday, June 6, 2016, 55-year-old Hashem Mohamad Ibrahim of Frostproof was crossing US 27 from the west to the east side, near the intersection with Charles Street in Frostproof, while a semi-tractor trailer hauling sod was northbound on US 27 in the outside (right) lane. Ibrahim walked into the path of the semi. The semi driver, 34-year-old Christopher R. Augustine of Lake Placid, braked and steered to the left in an attempt to avoid striking Ibrahim. The semi also slid after braking. The semi struck Ibrahim and carried him approximately 75 yards to the south. He landed in the outside southbound lane.

A 2015 red Dodge pickup truck, being driven by 46-year-old Brian Cox of Avon Park, which was heading southbound on US 27, then struck Ibrahim. Cox did not see Ibrahim laying in the roadway. Cox stopped his truck and attempted to render aid.

Ibrahim suffered significant trauma and was pronounced deceased on-scene by Polk County Fire Rescue.

At the time of the crash it was dark with limited lighting from nearby businesses. Ibrahim lived at the Sun Ray Motel located on the west side of US 27, and worked at the Sun Ray Market and Deli located on the east side of US 27. It appears he was crossing the roadway to go to work.

The occupants in both vehicles were seat belted, and neither suffered injuries. The semi tractor-trailer is owned by Treadwell Trucking and is leased to Travis Resmondo Inc. Neither excessive speed, impairment, or distracted driving appear to be a factors in this crash. The investigation is ongoing.

LWPD Trying To Identify Woman Using Someone’s Stolen Credit Card

Lake Wales Stolen Credit Card Suspect
Lake Wales Stolen Credit Card Suspect

The Lake Wales Police Department needs the suspect in these photographs identified. On May 20, 2016, the suspect entered Walgreen’s on SR60 in Lake Wales. She selected items and then attempted to make the purchase using a stolen credit card. When the credit card was declined the suspect left the store. She was wearing a pink tank top, pink shorts, and white flip flops. If you have information on the identity of the suspect, please contact Detective Maultsby at (863) 678-4223 extension 265 or Heartland Crime Stoppers at (800) 226-8477.

Winter Haven Man Arrested Related to Exposing Himself To Children & Child Pornography

Buck Johnson

Polk County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

On May 27, 2016, during a joint investigation, PCSO and WHPD detectives positively identified 35-year-old Buck Johnson of 2109 Kings Crossing in Winter Haven as the suspect seen in the Winter Haven area driving up to juvenile females at school bus stop, showing them what appeared to be pornography on his cell phone, and exposing himself to them. After his arrest, he was additionally charged with possession of child pornography after a forensic analysis of his cell phone and computer.

The following are excerpts from different affidavits:

During the year of 2016, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office and the Winter Haven Police Department jointly investigated a combined total of ten (10) reported incidents of alleged lewd and lascivious exhibition involving similar methods of operation (modus operandi), similar suspect identification and a similar vehicle description. The ten (10) incidents reported to law enforcement occurred near the central and southeast area of Polk County to include Winter Haven, Lake Wales, and Auburndale.

Eight (8) of the ten (10) reported incidents involved juvenile females at their bus stops or near their school. Two (2) of the victims were adults. The victims reported a white or Hispanic male around thirty (30) years of age would approach them in a silver vehicle and motion for the juvenile females to come near the vehicle. The victims reported the suspect would show them images on his cellular phone while he was sitting in the vehicle. Some of the victims stated the images or videos appeared to be of people engaging in sexual activity. Some of the victims stated they observed the male suspect masturbating while they were standing near his vehicle.

Several of the victims completed facial composites in which the suspect descriptions closely resembled each other and the suspect, Buck Johnson, DOB 11/28/81.

The incidents occurred on April 8, May 25, and May 26, 2016. Here are details from the May incidents:

On 05/25/2016, on 0815 hours, a 14-year-old juvenile reported a male in a new silver, four-door passenger vehicle was parked near her bus stop. The victim stated the male called her over to the vehicle and showed her a photo/video from his phone which she believed to be possibly a pornographic video. The juvenile described the suspect’s cellular phone as being black with a blue and black case. The victim said the male subject asked to get into the car, but she refused. The victim said she could not determine what the photo or video depicted. The victim stated the suspect was wearing a red in color shirt with a flame design on the front of the shirt.

On 05/26/2016, a similar incident was reported to the Winter Haven Police Department when the suspect approached a juvenile female on Lake Shipp Drive N and attempted to get the juvenile into the vehicle. It was reported the suspect showed the juvenile pornography on his phone and exposed himself. The victim described the suspect’s phone as black with a blue and black case.

At approximately 0813 hours, another incident was reported at Sims Road and Old Dixie Highway with a similar vehicle description and similar suspect description. The victim stated the suspect motioned for her to come close to his vehicle and he asked her if there was another Sims Road. The suspect then showed the victim a video on his cellular phone which was described by the victim as a man and woman having sex. The victim stated the suspect opened the driver’s door and exposed his penis to the victim while he was masturbating. The suspect was observed wearing a black shirt and khaki or cargo pants. The suspect vehicle was observed on video footage from the school bus that approached as the suspect was interacting with the victim. The suspect vehicle fled the scene while the victim was getting onto the school bus. The victim reported the incident to her school bus driver who observed the suspect in the vehicle wearing a black shirt.

On 05/27/2016, at 0908 hours, the silver, Hyundai, four-door, bearing Florida tag# I349DF that matched the description of the suspect vehicle described by the victims was observed in the driveway of the residence of Buck Johnson.

On 05/27/2016, at 1744 hours, PCSO Detectives arrested Buck Johnson at his residence (2109 Kings Crossing Street SW) for stalking one of the adult female victims. Buck Johnson’s girlfriend, Ciji Palacios, who was also at the residence was arrested for an active violation of probation warrant.

During a post Miranda interview with Palacios, she stated she lives at the residence of Kings Crossing Street SW for the last five (5) months. Palacios stated her boyfriend, Buck Johnson, owns a red shirt with a winged design that resembles flames. Palacios stated the suspect was observed wearing the red shirt during the week and it was either in the laundry basket or already cleaned. Palacios stated today (05/27/2016) the suspect was wearing a black polo shirt and khaki cargo pants. Palacios stated the suspect has driven the silver Hyundai which was described by the victims at least three times during the week of 05/23/2016. Palacios said the suspect takes his mother to work on Cypress Gardens Blvd in the silver Hyundai, four-door at 0700 hours, and he usually returns to the residence around 1000 to 1100 hours.

Post Miranda, Buck Johnson stated he drove the vehicle matching the description given by the victims, but he did not make any other statements or admissions. At a later time, Johnson asked to speak with a PCSO detective on his own and waiving his right to an attorney. Johnson said his mind is altered when he uses methamphetamine and he only is interested in different sexual activity when he is under the influence.

Based on the investigation, Johnson was booked into the Polk County Jail for the following PCSO charges:
one count Lewd Exhibition by a Suspect Over 18 with a Victim Younger than 16
one count Display Obscene Material to a Minor
one count Use of Two-Way Communication Device to Commit a Felony
one count Stalking
one count Aggravated Stalking of a Minor
one count each Possession Marijuana, Meth, Clonazepam, and Paraphernalia
Detectives served a search warrant at his home, seizing his computer and cell phone. On June 1, 2016, PCSO Detectives additionally charged Johnson with two (2) counts Possession of Child Pornography, after locating two video files depicting young girls between the ages of 8 and 13 years old engaging in sexual conduct.

On June 2, 2016, WHPD Detectives additionally charged Johnson with two (2) counts Lewd Exhibition by a Suspect Over 18 with a Victim Younger than 16, and one count Use of Two-Way Communication Device to Commit a Felony:

On 5/26/2016, the reportee, advised on weekdays mornings from 06:20 to 07:00 hours, her children wait for their bus in the roadway in front of their residence in Winter Haven. She advised on the morning of the incident, she made contact with her children via telephone and learned of the incident, where adult male driving silver Hyundai, lured her children to the passenger’s side of his car, showed them a nude image of a woman on his cell phone and masturbated in the girls’ presence.

During an interview with detectives, the girls advised they were waiting for their school bus in front of their residence at approximately 06:30 to 07:00 hours on 5/26/2016, when a westbound, silver four door sedan, pulled up to them and stopped. They described the vehicle as a late model import like their church pastor drives. (It was later determined the victims’ pastor drives a late model silver, four door Hyundai). They advised they approached the passenger side of the suspect vehicle, believing it to be their pastor. They advised as they looked into the vehicle they discovered it was not their pastor. They advised during the incident the suspect outstretched his left arm and showed them an image of a nude figure on a black cellular phone and appeared to be playing with his “privates” with his left hand. They advised they screamed at the driver “GO” and he drove off. They described the suspect as appearing to be Hispanic, with short cropped hair, oval face, and approximately 25-30 years of age.




Polk County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Homicide have located the suspect vehicle and have made an arrest in the pre-dawn hit and run investigation reported earlier today.  Details about the arrest will be provided later.

Currently, deputies continue to seek witness information in this investigation.


As previously reported:

Polk County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Homicide deputies are asking for the public’s help in a Hit and Run Traffic Crash involving the serious injury of a pedestrian.

At approximately 5:26 am, Thursday, June 2, 2016, deputies were notified of a white male lying in the road at Highway 60 West and County Line Road, in Mulberry.

Upon their arrival, deputies learned the victim had been struck by a vehicle which fled the scene.  The victim has been transported to Lakeland Regional Health and is listed in critical condition.  His identification has not yet been confirmed.

Currently, deputies seek witness information.

Anyone with information about this investigation is urged to contact the PCSO at 863.298.6200.

Westbound lanes of Highway 60 remain closed at this time.

Highway 60 has reopened.


COOKING ON THE RIDGE:  Strawberry Chantilly

strawberry Chantilli



  • Prep 30 m

  • Cook 20 m

  • Ready In 1 d 50 m

  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
  2. Mix flour, sugar and butter until crumbly. Stir in chopped walnuts.
  3. Press two-thirds of the mixture in the bottom of a 9×13-inch baking dish; the remaining crumble will be used for the topping. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Cool crust completely.
  4. In large deep bowl, stir together egg whites, sugar (see Cook’s Note), strawberries, and lemon juice. Whip with electric mixer at high speed for 10 minutes.
  5. In another mixing bowl, whip whipping cream until stiff and fold into strawberry mixture. Spread over cooled crust. Sprinkle with remaining crumb mixture. Freeze for 6 hours or overnight before serving.

Mulberry Bank Robbery Suspect Arrested

Polk County Sheriff’s Office Press Release
On Wednesday, June 1, 2016, PCSO Robbery detectives arrested 66-year-old Vaughn Howard of 3992 Laurel Crest Drive in Mulberry for Solicitation to Commit Robbery, and Robbery, for the Centerstate Bank robbery that occurred on May 25, 2016.
The following is an excerpt from his affidavit, and is self-explanatory:
On 05/25/2016 at approximately 1208 hours a bank robbery occurred at the Centerstate Bank located at 4719 South Florida Avenue, Lakeland, Florida.

According to the victims and witnesses, an unknown older white male wearing blue jeans, a long-sleeved blue shirt, sunglasses, and a hat walked into the bank and approached the teller and passed her a note written on a white piece of ripped paper written in pencil which advised the following, “Give me all of your 100’s, 50’s, 20’s. I am armed. This is not a joke. No alarms” and also said something like “I’ll shoot.” While the teller was reading the note the suspect began yelling at her to hurry up and give it back (referring to the note) while taking the note back away from her. The teller gave the suspect all of the $100’s, $50’s, and $20’s which were in her drawer. The suspect then fled the bank in an unknown direction.  

Detectives obtained surveillance video from Centerstate Bank which corroborated the victim and witness statements of the incident. The exterior camera captures the south side of the business pointing towards the entrance to the bank as well as the Kmart business located at 4717 South Florida Avenue. At approximately 1205 hours a light colored Ford Taurus is observed pulling into the parking lot area of Kmart, driving past the entrance of the bank. The exterior camera which captures the drive thru area then captures the vehicle traveling west past the bank, looping around, and backing into a parking spot located just west south west of the bank. The suspect is observed exiting the vehicle and walking east towards the bank. The suspect is then captured back on the south exterior camera walking towards the entrance/exit of the bank. The suspect is then captured by the ATM surveillance cameras which provides a close image of the side of the suspects face prior to entering and again upon exiting the bank. The interior cameras provide several views which show the suspect approach the teller, pass her a note, and her providing the suspect the money prior to him exiting the bank.  The suspect then exits the bank and is observed on all exterior cameras returning back to the vehicle in which he arrived. The suspect is observed as an older white male wearing blue jeans, a buttoned-up long-sleeved light blue shirt, straw style hat with a black cord around it, what appears to be a ball cap underneath the straw hat, and glasses.  
On 05/31/2016 PCSO was advised by a source that the suspect was possibly known by the name of “Vaughn,” was in his 60’s, was arrested approximately five months prior, and was overheard talking about robbing the bank. The suspect, Vaughn Howard, met the description provided by the source.

A second source was also located, positively identifying Vaughn as the bank robbery suspect. This source saw Vaughn with a large amount of money days after the robbery occurred.

On 06/01/2016, a third source told PCSO detectives that Vaughn confessed to her that he robbed the bank and told her the following details: Vaughn stated he walked into the bank on South Florida Avenue, approached the teller, and handed her a note. Vaughn made a statement to the teller to not call law enforcement and there better not be any trouble. The teller gave him the cash which was placed inside a bag. Vaughn exited the bank and left the area. Vaughn informed her he had a handgun in his pocket during the bank robbery. Vaughn said he committed the bank robbery because he owed debt for drugs and also needed extra money to hide out with. After telling her he committed the bank robbery, Vaughn informed her he was wanting to rob a bank in Brandon, Florida. Vaughn wanted her to be the get-away driver and have her rent hotels in her name. Vaughn had an elaborate plan to rob banks through the State of Florida until enough money was gathered to flee comfortably. 

On 06/01/2016 detectives contacted an acquaintance of Vaughn’s, who provided a sworn recorded statement. He stated he was approached by Vaughn approximately four weeks ago about committing a bank robbery. Vaughn wanted him to be a get-away driver while Vaughn committed the robbery. He  did not think Vaughn was serious. On Tuesday, May 31, 2016, he was informed Vaughn committed a bank robbery. He was also shown images on social media which were disseminated to the public through the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, and the news release. He confirmed the identity of Vaughn Howard, and stated he was without a doubt certain the pictured suspect is Vaughn Howard. He stated he was with Vaughn when Vaughn purchased a garden style hat that looks identical to the hat worn in the surveillance video picture. He stated Vaughn’s brother has a mid-2000s model Ford Taurus, and he has seen Vaughn drive the Ford Taurus on one occasion.

On June 1, 2016, PCSO Robbery Detectives obtained an arrest warrant for Vaughn Howard, and took him into custody without incident. He remains in the Polk County Jail on no bond until a first appearance hearing at 1:00 p.m. today (June 2, 2016). Detectives also served a search warrant at Vaughn’s home, and seized items related to the bank robbery. These items are being processed at this time.
Howard has previous arrests in Polk County, for grand theft of motor vehicle, possession of meth, possession of paraphernalia, burglary, petit theft, and VOP.

Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center Opened This Week

Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center

Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center is Open
Address: 325 S. Scenic Highway, Lake Wales Florida 33853
Regular Hours: Tuesdays through Saturdays, 9am to 5pm
Admission: Free
The Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center and the City of Lake Wales is pleased to announce the reopening
of the Lake Wales Museum & Cultural Center this week starting Tuesday, May 31st. The Museum will feature
new exhibits beginning with the foundation of Lake Wales in 1911. Exhibits explore the formation of the
city, industry, places of interest as well as exploring developments in the 19th century that led to the
settlement of the area.

The Museum is free and open to the public.
For more information, contact the Museum at: 863.676.1759 or follow us on
Twitter: @LWDepot_Museum
Facebook: Lake Wales Depot Museum and Cultural Center