Local Home Inspector Teaches Community Members About Their Homes And About The Importance Of Faith
By Allison Williams
Curt Kniffin, Home Inspector of Boomers Property Services in Polk County has lived in Florida for the past 33 years. Not only is he a certified inspector who helps people with both commercial and residential inspections, but he is also a man of faith and is heavily involved with volunteer work across Polk County.

Background on Curt
Curt started construction at the young age of 15 up in the north. Living in Florida for the past three decades he has gained extensive experience working with local county inspectors and local contractors. He works with both commercial properties as well as residential properties.
“I’ve worked for companies that put lipstick on the pig, so to speak,” he said. “So I know the tricks of the trade, if you will.”
For many years prior, Curt was a construction coordinator for Habitat for Humanity in the lower parts of the Florida Keys. During his nine years with Habitat, they built 60 homes and completed rehab work on hundreds. The Florida Keys in known for historic homes, and many of the homes Curt rehabbed were historical homes.
In 2010 alone, his team was completing about 300 rehabs in a single month.
He also spent several years in commercial construction, where he built various fitness clubs and rehabbed retail facilities.
When Curt was just 12 years of age, his mother was killed by a drunk truck driver and he had to go live with his father. This is where the name of his current business, Boomers Property Services stemmed from. He learned at a young age the importance of personal relationships and personal touch. Being a part of the end of the baby boomer era, he came up with his company name.
“The baby boomers crowd seems to be the crowd who is more willing to work hard no matter what it takes to get the job done,” Curt said. He added, “Today’s 30- or 40-year-olds, are more of a non-confrontational crowd, where they’re used to texting and emailing and having a digital relationship. The baby boomers are about personal relationships and building a human relationship, shaking hands, personal meetings, and talking with people; whereas this new generation is about zoom meetings, distancing and getting things done without that personal touch. We always welcome and accommodate both. I’m not disparaging to the younger crowd. It’s just a new and different way that works for them, and gets the job done. We’re flexible.”
Adding that personal touch is an important part of what Curt does with Boomers Property Services. He never rushes his inspections. It is most important to him to get a complete and comprehensive report while taking his time, no matter what at the end of the day. He looks deeper and is never about how many he can get done, but is about how complete can he get this one inspection done.
“The client really needs an advocate,” Curt believes. “They need a third party, independent, non-biased opinion of this house.”
Curt doesn’t offer summaries and opinions after completing an inspection. That is not what it’s about. His job isn’t to recommend whether a client should proceed with a house purchase for example. His job is to report what he sees and finds. He does not have nor give an opinion.
“I’m obligated, morally obligated to write down what I see,” he said. “I’m not concerned about the deal whatsoever. What I’m concerned about is making sure that the house is safe, secure and sound for decades to come.”
Curt’s honest work carries through to his volunteer work. He is heavily involved in the community, for both youth and for adults. He is sponsoring the Lakeland High School Dreadknaughts football program as well as the Lake Gibson High school football program this year. His sponsorship will allow him to hang a banner and have a logo in each football program. They are even going to hand out business coupons to help the community save money on inspections. He is supporting the youth while helping people save money on inspections.
“I’m always happy to support the youth because like I said my mom was killed when I was 12 and I’ve just been on my own ever since,” Curt said. “I think it’s a shame that people don’t support our youth and encourage them along the way because I surely didn’t get that growing up.”
Curt is also a man of faith. He belongs to Faith Baptist Church and also volunteers every second Saturday at the Lighthouse Ministry.
“It’s a ministry that helps people put their lives back together when they’re ready to put down the drugs and alcohol and clean up their lives,” Curt said. “The Lighthouse provides them food, shelter, clothing, and even work to where they can stay there, and part of their salary goes into a savings account so they can get back out on their own.”
He just signed up as well to become a mentor/discipleship, where he will visit weekly to give people outside support and encouragement.
“I do my best to give back to the community as much as I can,” Curt said. “I love to teach people.”
Whether it is teaching people how to live a life of faith or teaching people about their homes, Curt is always lending a helping hand.
To find out more about Boomers Property Services, visit https://www.boomerspropertyservices.com
Phone: 863-604-5646
Email: [email protected]