Polk County Sheriffs Office:
Over the next few days, we anticipate an increase in calls for service related to fireworks and firearms.

We have a HUGE favor to ask. Please, please do not dial 911 if you hear fireworks during this holiday weekend. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office 911 line is intended for residents to report immediate emergencies, not to report the use of fireworks. For those who may not know, a Florida law passed in 2018 states that shooting fireworks is not a state crime on the following days: Dec. 31, Jan. 1, and July 4.
We are also begging you, please PLEASE do not shoot guns into the air because you either A. love guns and want to celebrate by shooting them into the air or B. forgot to go out and buy fireworks. We all know about gravity (our third grade teachers covered it, right?). What Goes Up Must Come Down. Period. Not only that, it’s illegal to discharge a firearm in a residential area.
Last favor: please don’t drive impaired. This is a no-brainer. Get a ride, or stay home.
If you need us, call us – but please only call 911 if there is an immediate safety issue, a fire, an in-progress crime, or an injured person. For all other non-emergency calls, please call 863-298-6200. We will always answer the call.
If we all do our part, we can all have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve celebration. Be safe, everyone. Love, your favorite guys ‘n gals in green.