On Saturday, April 3, 2021, Polk County Sheriff’s Charities, Inc. will be holding its 13th Annual “Bustin’ Clays with Sheriff Grady Judd” fundraising event at Tenoroc Sporting Clays in Lakeland.
Please visit the website for more information on how to register, or sponsor.
Bustin’ Clays has become one of the most visible and fun shooting events in Central Florida. Last year’s event attracted over 300 shooters and over 450 people attended.
We are looking for special sponsors to support this important event. Several sponsorship levels are available, with some including recognition on Radio, TV and Print. We encourage you to sign up early so that we can properly recognize you in all our materials and advertising. Sponsors also have the opportunity to set up tables at the event and add items such as company literature to the gift bags given out at the event.
Polk Sheriff’s Charities, Inc. will use 100% of all proceeds from this event to further our mission to support activities and charities that benefit the community associated with and identified through the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.